Course Fees

Note on SkillsFuture credits, UTAP and PSEA

  • Singapore citizens with SkillsFuture credits of between $0 – $5,500 (including $4,000 Mid-Career top-up) could be used to offset out-of-pocket course fees (including GST)
  • UTAP2 is claimable ($250 if below 40, $500 if 40 and above), which can also be used to offset out-of-pocket course fees (including GST)
  • Singapore citizens below 31 can also use PSEA to offset out-of-pocket course fees
  1. GST is charged on course fee after 70% subsidy applied
    – ($15,000 – $10,500 = $4,500); 9% of $4,500 = $405. SkillsFuture credits, UTAP and PSEA can be used to offset GST as well.
    – ($21,000 – $14,700 = $6,300); 9% of $6,300 = $567. SkillsFuture credits, UTAP and PSEA can be used to offset GST as well.
  2. Union Training Assistance Programme
  3. Singapore citizens meeting the criteria will qualify for Additional Funding Support (AFS), but this is ultimately subject to confirmation by the relevant government authorities.
  4. Please note that all fees are subject to change.

Course Fee Calculator

You're not eligible for this programme based on your status in Singapore. Click here to find out more regarding the eligibility criteria.

Please press calculate to update the course fees based on your selections

Final Course Fee (after GST) *

SGD 524

The fees above can be further deducted using Skillsfuture credits, UTAP and PSEA.
The remaining cash can be paid through PayNow, bank transfer or credit card.

SkillsFuture credits:
  • Skillsfuture credits is only for Singapore citizens age 25 and above. You can use all existing Skillsfuture credits.
  • Singapore citizens 40 and above can use the 4000 Skillsfuture mid career credits to fully deduct the course fee with no out of pocket cash.

UTAP (Singapore citizens and PR):
  • Up to $250 for those below 40, and up to $500 for those 40 and above.

  • For Singapore citizens below 31. Please note that MOE processing time for PSEA is around 1 month, so please register early.

*Prices are subject to change.

* GST is charged on the net course fee after the base subsidy but before enhanced subsidies
(E.g. Mid-career enhanced subsidy, Additional Funding Support subsidy)

You may further offset the fees above using PSEA if eligible.

Registered or incorporated in Singapore

At least 30% local shareholding by Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents

Employment size of not more than 200 (at group level) or with annual sales turnover (at group level) of not more than $100 million

Write in to for more details.